What does the womb mean to you? 

I got interested in the womb a little less than a year ago. I don't fully remember why, but suddenly I knew my next collection and research had to be revolving around the womb, so that's what I did.

During last summer, I started my research by asking people around me what the womb means to them and documenting their answer through video. The inspiring variety in answers became the base for my collection. 

I dived into connecting with my own womb through mediations, excersizes, reading, and listening to others' experiences concerning the womb. I realized that my womb had been calling for me to listen to her, and it was not a coincidence than I got the idea to research this creative energy vortex. 



The collection video invites you to enter my energetic womb and explore the treasures that are to be found there!

Throughout this project my womb has been so present in guiding me - however ‘floaty' this may sound to some - I felt a connection with myself like I have never felt before. I gained knowledge that I don't know where it came from. More than once it happened that I was working without a clear endpoint, and somehow everything merged together perfectly. I just know this creatrix inside guided me. 

The womb is a space of creation, it is literally where life is formed and I think it's unfortunate that many physical and non-physical womb owners are so disconnected from this sacred space. I believe we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and one another if we would pay more attention to it, as it's something that influences our life so greatly. The womb is more than just an organ, it's the original creatrix and an energy centre in the body that anyone can access, whether you have a physical womb or not. 

Next to the visual aspect of the video, I have also composed, played, sung and produced the soundscape.


I want to invite you to start listening to what your womb has to say. An easy way to start is to sit on a pillow, have your knees out and the bottoms of your feet together. Put your hands on your lower belly creating a triangle, with the ends of your thumbs touching and the ends of your pointer fingers touching. Meditate - take 3 deep breaths through your whole body and sit still a couple of minutes. During this stillness, tell your womb you want to connect and get to know it. Ask it to open up to you. Be patient. It might take a while before she replies, you might have to do this a couple of times. But I can guarantee that if you're really serious about wanting to connect, the womb will let itself be heard and you will gain so much. 

Let's heal ️<3

Credits - Concept: ROZEPAARS - 3D Design: ROZEPAARS - Avatar Creation: ROZEPAARS - Print Design: ROZEPAARS - Video + Edit: ROZEPAARS


2021: Sex births the mother


2019: Would you do it yourself?