Outside of the time spent on my school projects, I always liked to spend time on my personal development outside of school in the areas of modelling, styling, photography and videography. Many of these experimentations were necessary to figure out what it is that I don’t want to do, to finally reach the right path for me where I understand my passion. The later years of my education I have spend less time on extraciriccular activities and focussed more on putting all my energy into the collections I was making rather than taking too many things on my plate.
Photography: Miss Toto Rodgers - Edit: ROZEPAARS
Doe het met ROZEPAARS!
Doe het met ROZEPAARS (Do it with ROZEPAARS) was a sketch for a diy-video project in collaboration with NIEUWJURK as an addition to their talkshow on gender and sustainability in fashion. In this video I teach you how to use a dishwashing glove to create an awesome HAND-bag.